Nothing Like the Rest

The Project

The IT Advisors hired Active Marketing to bring their vibrant brand to life in a long-form print piece that their sales team would use to attract and convert new clients. The piece needed to fully explain the value of working with the IT Advisors, clearly articulate their unique culture and customer promise and allow for customization by sales reps with spaces for their business cards and sell sheets. For brochure imagery, the IT Advisors invested in extensive photo shoots to capture their fun and edgy character.


The Strategy

The IT Advisors brand is clever and direct. They’re not “nerdy.” They’re powerhouses with the cool confidence that accompanies being able to tame things like server farms. The copywriting team at active marketing started by poring through photos from the shoots and then mapping out the right headlines and structure for the brochure.

About IT Advisors

The IT Advisors provide top-notch IT, marketing and web development services to their clients in the healthcare industry. Sounds serious—and it is—but they don’t let that make the experience of working with them a boring one. In fact, quite the opposite.