We proactively generate positive content about your brand, which minimizes the occasional but unavoidable negative review.

Reputation Management Protects Your Brand

Internet reviews were one of the best and one of the worst things to happen to businesses online.

Your audience trusts those reviews more than anything else and proper reputation management is the only way to keep those reviews at 5-star levels.

These reviews also allow small businesses to compete neck and neck with major corporations. If a customer knows they can get a great experience from your business, the likelihood they’ll deal with anyone else is minimal.

But. With that kind of potential, there’s also an opening for harm. Everyone is bound to see a few negative reviews (we’re all human) but sometimes a single dissatisfied customer can do some serious damage if they’ve just had a bad day.

This is where Active Marketing comes in to save your brand from getting tarnished.

The Best Defense? A Good Offense.

We offer proactive reputation management services for your brand.

That means we don’t sit around waiting for someone to trash talk your company.

We take proactive measures to make sure that when it happens, you have everything you need to turn a bad situation into a positive.

Start by Covering All Your Bases

As a part of building a strong offense, we register your business with all available social media platforms.

That means we’re not only focusing on Facebook and Instagram but all of the lesser-known channels as well.


One of the most effective ways someone can harm your reputation is by creating false profiles in your name.

Know When Your Name Pops Up

We constantly monitor the internet for any mention of your company.

Because, when it comes to PR issues, the sooner they get handled, the greater our chances of minimizing damage are.

I know it might sound paranoid to bring it up, but it has happened. And, it will happen time and time again.

Addressing Reputation Issues Head-On

We believe that the best way to handle dissatisfied customers or fans is by making amends.

When somebody posts something negative—whether that’s directly on your Facebook page or their blog—we move fast to diffuse the situation. Doing this can help turn a bad situation around and, if it’s done publicly, can further strengthen your reputation as a brand customers trust.

You’d be surprised used at how many low-star reviews and customer complaints turn into lifelong advocates when handled properly.

Avoiding the Big Mistake

As scary as all of these negative reviews and trash-talking sound, do you know the biggest mistake a company can make online?

Removing your followers’ ability to comment and interact with your pages.

Think about it.

Any time you silence the negative comments, you prevent any chance of positive reviews to show who you are either.

If one-way communication is the only way to interact with your brand, you don’t stand a chance in today’s market.

Active Marketing is Your Social Team

Think you’ve got what it takes to DIY your social media? You just might.

But, you simply don’t have the time to cram years of social media experience into your schedule.

With Active Marketing, you get to lean on all our hard years of experience learning how to maximize social media marketing.