Visually, Infographics can be a powerful way to communicate information. Infographics have the ability to convey information in a much more powerful way and reach more of your target market.
This piece will discuss the value added with Infographics, 6 tips for better success and much more. Enjoy.
Infographics Add Value
Many companies have started to embrace the true existence of infographics. So why should your company use them? Simply put; they are a tremendously valuable marketing tool.
Using Infographics can drastically increase your company’s social media following at a much faster rate than without. The reason Infographics have become so popular is because users love them for the simple fact that they take a lot of valuable information and put it into a more condensed and visual appealing format.
6 Tips for Success with Infographics
Great Infographics merge information and graphics into a cohesive piece that viewers like to look at. Two basic activities that every GREAT Infographic share are 1) Great Design 2) Successful Promotion and Marketing. Do those two things well and you will most likely have a great Infographic that people like. What comes above and beyond that is what sets you apart even more; below are 6 tips to make Great Infographics Absolutely Incredible and give you lasting success.
- Research – before writing or designing comes research. If you want your Infographic to have any credibility at all, you need to first make sure your data is up to par. Just because something is on the internet does not make it true. Cross-check your data before using it in any graphic or writing piece for that matter. Not only is research important for finding just the right data, it is also important to make sure you are writing about the right things. Do you research on what is trending in your industry, what information your clients and prospects are looking for, etc.
- Tell A Story – it is important to tell a story when you create an Infographic. It shouldn’t be a story about yourself but instead about your target audience or at least one they can relate to. No one want to come to a site and see a company yet again bragging about themselves. Do your research and learn what will resonate with your audience and what they in-turn will want to share with others. If your data is interesting and your content is well written and tells a story, your audience will want to read and share.
- Limit Clutter – because Infographics tend to include a lot of data, facts and content, you want to make sure to keep it simple. Don’t over-clutter with too many graphics or design elements. You readers will need to get through it quickly and clearly learn what they came for.
- Make it Shareable – embed the right code to make your Infographic shareable. Make it easy for your audience to see and click on “share” and “like” links. Seems like something I shouldn’t have to mention, but you wouldn’t believe the people that skip this step in the design process.
- Size Does Matter – some say that size doesn’t matter, well when it comes to Infographics it actually does. The size of your Infographic depends on the type of medium you are using. For example for Pinterest, the ideal Horizontal Width is 735 Pixels. These dimensions are subject to change for each medium so always double check. Other tips for size include: using a compressed JPEG for quicker load times, hosting preview for images and infographic on your own blog, experiment with shorter lengths (1000-2000 Pixels, for sure under 5,000), if your Infographic is too long, you will lose your audience’s attention.
- Use Reputable Sources – I can’t stress this enough. For one you need to list sources for your data and content. In addition, you need to double check each source to make sure they are someone you want to be affiliated with for the subject matter you are speaking on and of course, that they are reputable.
Basic Statistics about Infographics
If the above tips weren’t enough to convince you that there are certain ways to make your Infographics successful and that they do really matter, then look through these statistics for further proof.
- In the past 5 years, Google searches for Infographics have increased 25x (Source: SlideShare)
- Sharing an Infographic can improve website traffic by more than 12% (Source: SlideShare)
- Infographic posts attract 448% more “actions” than traditional posts (Source:
- 40% of people will relate better to visual content than plain text (Source: Web Marketing Group)
- 90% of information that comes from the brain is visual (Source: Web Marketing Group)
Final Thoughts
Infographics are one of my favorite marketing tools to have available and ready to utilize. As you can see by the above statistics and easy tips; designing and building them should be something worth doing.
“The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step.” – Author unknown