Blog Articles

Using Co-Occurring Disorder Messaging to Increase Admissions

Millennials are diagnosed with more mental health issues than previous generations, and most of those presenting with substance use disorders also suffer from co-occurring mental health issues. By speaking to co-occurring disorders in their marketing, addiction treatment providers have an opportunity during the decision-making process to show that they can meet more of their clients’ individual needs.

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Branding Process Guide: The Typography

When a visitor looks at your page, they look at it as a whole and subconsciously decide whether or not it is worth reading. This decision is made almost instantaneously and is affected by the layout, the images, the length of each section and the font size that is used. We all do it – try paying attention to your thought process the next time you skim a webpage. What draws you in? Does the font or style have any effect on your attitude towards the brand?

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Branding Process Guide: The Vision

The next ingredient is a vision statement. Vision statements are brief sentences or paragraphs that show your employees, partners, and customers where you envision the company going in the future.

They don’t focus on what you do or who you are now, they define where you are going and who you want to be five, ten or fifteen years from now.

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