Have you ever had a lengthy conversation with someone and the whole time want to die of laughter or boredom (whichever comes first) because of all the big words and jargon being used? Unnecessary buzz words, jargon or just simply big words that don’t fit is really annoying and totally uncalled for. All it does is interrupt the true meaning of what is trying to be said and make you look silly, when I am sure the attempt is to make you look smart. This piece will discuss the true purpose of media buzz...
Visually, Infographics can be a powerful way to communicate information. Infographics have the ability to convey information in a much more powerful way and reach more of your target market. This piece will discuss the value added with Infographics, 6 tips for better success and much more. Enjoy. Infographics Add Value Many companies have started to embrace the true existence of infographics. So why should your company use them? Simply put; they are a tremendously valuable marketing tool. Using...
If you say it’s not a goal of yours to increase the amount of traffic to your website, then I would say you are not being honest with me. Increasing website traffic should be a goal of every business. This piece will discuss why increasing search traffic matters, 8 tips for increasing your traffic and some final thoughts to bring it all together. Enjoy. 7 Tips To Increase Website Traffic There are many ways or methods to increase traffic to your website, however some work better than others and some are...
Every company, large or small, needs a set of brand style and content guidelines to live by. These guidelines are set in place to keep brand identity intact. Depending on the size and complexity of the business, these guidelines could range from a few to several hundred pages. This piece will discuss the importance of having this tool for your business, what to incorporate into yours and some simple tips & tricks to building a brand style and content guide yourself. THE IMPORTANCE OF A BRAND CONTENT...
An E-book (electronic book, digital book or e-book) is defined as a text and image based publication in a digital form, produced on, published by and readable on computers or other digital devices (The Wall Street Journal). For the purpose of this piece I will be discussing the most important eBook characteristics from a promotional and marketing standpoint. This piece will discuss the characteristics you need to know about an eBook, why to use eBooks and the basics on promoting them. The 5 Most...
Creating informational content is easy. You know your product or service so well you can rattle off a dozen blog posts on features and benefits without even breaking a sweat. But creating content that emotionally engages visitors requires something more than simply communicating information. Which is important because audience engagement impacts everything from social reach to search rank and even brand perception. As lines continue to blur between “social” and “commercial” in...